Nursing Diagnosis to Client Post Encefalic Vascular Accident

Janaína Caratierio Vieira da Costa, Isabel Cruz


In this work some diagnostic to the customer had been boarded after the BIRD development. The bibliography revision searched to clarify on the excellent information to the nurse in relation to the cares to the patient with BIRD. The situation problem was the monitorization of the level of conscience of the customer with BIRD, in UTI. The objective of this research was to identify the scientific production of nursing on the encefálico vascular accident, in UTI. It was a bibliographical research that approached on the signals and symptoms presented for the customer with BIRD, the monitorization of the PIC, the factors of risk and the disgnostic of nursing for the customer who developed the BIRD. One concluded that the nurse must apply the nursing disgnostic systemize the nursing assistance, planning better the actions and making possible the best therapeutical form for the customer who developed cerebral vascular accident.
Keywords: neurological, intensive care unit, vascular brain accident, nursing.


neurological, intensive care unit, vascular brain accident, nursing.

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