Deborah Dantas de Albuquerque, Isabel CF da Cruz


Hypothermia affects approximately 70% of patients in the intraoperative period. As treatment or prevention uses the methods of skin warming active and / or passive. Objective: Identify the nursing research, using the PICO strategy, to determine which skin warming, active or passive, is most effective for the prevention and / or treatment of hypothermia intraoperative. Method: A systematic literature review, included in the period from 2007 to 2012 in a database. Results: There was a more effective method in active skin warming. Discussion: Among the methods of heating, the method of circulating heated water is the most effective. When there use the passive method, it is necessary to use the active method together for better result. Conclusion: The nurse has an important role and should implement measures for the treatment and / or prevention of hypothermia, should choose as evidence of this research, the active skin heating method.


Hypothermia; Rewarming; Intraoperative period

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