Intracranial pressure monitoring patient in high complexity – literature review

JULIO CEZAR Souza Oki, Isabel CF da Cruz


Traumatic brain injury and second largest cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is that after the trauma has complications like loss of vascular autoregulation mechanism, cytotoxic and vasogenic edema. For these factors the use of monitoring of Intracranial Pressure becomes paramount in order to avoid its adequate control mortality of this patient. As a research method would be a computerized literature search conducted in electronic databases in order to answer the following clinical question "On account of high complexity, what is the efficacy of intracranial pressure monitoring for the treatment of traumatic brain injury? "The results presented were selected for analysis in search of evidence 30 articles, only 10 of these were chosen for meeting the inclusion criteria of the study being reviewed and selected implications for clinical practice for medical. As a conclusion of these studies presented and stratified coming as a result of the use of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring becomes paramount in order to avoid its adequate control mortality of this patient. The recommendations and the patient care is of high complexity based on evidence we respaldam itervenção process to better self-care nursing care offering a more reliable and qualified.


Intracranial Pressure, Brain Injuries, Critical Care

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