Monitoring of test results, a proposal of a clinical protocol nursing

Maria do Carmo Severiano Ferreira, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The objective of this study was to investigate the monitoring of test results, a proposition of a clinical protocol nursing. It is a bibliographical research, a systematic review of the literature, which were selected 33 articles SciELO database and PubMed from 2010 to 2015. To search the database was used as descriptors the terms in Portuguese: follow-up examinations ; nursing duties; follow-up diagnostic tests and in Spanish: tracking of them exámenes; trabajos of enfermería; tracking de las pruebas diagnostic. Of these 33 articles, 13 were with exclusion because more addressed the importance of the clinical protocol, fleeing the theme of this article and / or these were literature review articles, which did not fit with the purpose of this article is a systematic review. Thus, in this study included 20 articles, 17 in Portuguese and 3 in Spanish, inclusion criteria they should be in full, in Portuguese and Spanish. These were selected through content analysis through systematic reading and synthesis will be presented the results of this article exposed in a flow chart and a table. It was found that one of the nurse's functions is to support the diagnosis due to its preparation and follow-up examinations. It was concluded that the protocol provides better control tests helping to improve the information provided by health professionals to their patients.

Keywords: Follow-up examinations, clinical protocol and nursing protocol.


Follow-up Examinations; Clinical Protocol; Nursing Protocol.

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