Evidence-based practice guidelines for the nursing intervention stoma care in ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Regiane Cunha Moraes, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The stomy designates the surgical opening in the digestive tract to divert intestinal transit to the outside and is performed primarily in cases of colorectal cancer. Problem- situation: scarcity of information on scientific evidences that offer indicators of the nursing prescriptions for the patient of high complexity with diagnosis / medical condition of colorectal cancer under intensive care. Objective: To review the evidence-based guidelines that will assist the intensivist nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing care related to patients with ICU ostomies. Methodology: The research was descriptive in nature through a bibliographic review systematized in the following electronic databases: BDENF, MEDLINE and SCIELO, based on the PICO strategy. Results: We selected 10 articles that fit the inclusion criteria of this study, 6 of which were Brazilian and 4 were foreign. Conclusion: The nurse acts from the preoperative phase until the discharge of the patient, being the most delicate moment when the patient is in the ICU. Nurses, therefore, must always keep in the process of seeking information appropriate to their practice, in order to offer a more complete care to the patient, taking into account both their health weakness and the emotional side, avoiding possible complications .

Key-words: ostomy; nursing care; ICU.


Ostomy; Nursing Care; ICU.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v10i1.29648

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