The Construction of an Effective Glycemic Protocol in the Control of Hypoglycemia in ICU  - Systematic Literature Review

Catia Fonseca do Nascimento Pereira, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


A hypoglycemic event in an adult, especially the elderly, can lead to a series of complications linked to increased morbidity and mortality of the patient. In a hospital unit, the nurse is in the front line in the evaluation of the elderly regarding the risk of hypoglycaemia. The objectives of this study are to review the evidence-based guidelines that will assist the intensivist nurse in the identification, treatment, and conduct of nursing care related to the Control of Hypoglycemia. To do this, the methodology of integrative review of the literature will be used through the search of a virtual computerized database of articles available in the period between 2011 to 2017. The search was performed according to the PICO strategy and the articles were classified according to levels of evidence and clinical relevance. The study aimed to answer the clinical question: How effective is the control of hypoglycemia in reducing complications in hospitalized diabetic patients? Among the results were identified factors related to hypoglycemia, analysis and comparison of glycemic protocols and the role of nursing in the management of patients with diabetes.


Critical care; diabetes complications; hypoglycemia; nursing care; glycemic controlnsulin, Intravenous Ifusions, Nursing Care, Intensive Care Unit.

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