Management of septic shock, guidelines of nursing in Intensive Units: systematized review

Thuany de Oliveira Cabral, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Abstract: Objective: To review the identification guidelines and nursing interventions, based on evidence, in order to reduce the occurrence of septic shock. Method: Research of a descriptive nature carried out through systematized bibliographic review. Results: We selected 11 more pertinent articles to the study, being 06 in Portuguese and 5 in English, published between the years of 2011 and 2017. Discussion: Sepsis does not have a unique pattern of identification, due to the different causes and symptoms, but to the to put into practice the interventions of the DE Deficit of Liquid Volume deficient, a reduction in the occurrence of septic shock is obtained. Conclusion: The proposed goal has been achieved and validates the actions of the Management of the shock as likely to benefit the patient by ensuring greater survival. It is suggested greater qualification and awareness of the team as to the importance of following protocols to avoid the shock.


Septic shock; Critical Care, Nursing, Sepsis.

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