Implementation of digital technology in the nursing process for nursing intervention in tracheostomy care in the ICU - Systematized Literature Review

Gabriella G M Carvalho, Isabel F Cruz


Tracheostomy is a common intensive care unit procedure and nurses must provide adequate care to tracheostomized patients to prevent complications. One of the most important considerations is the ease of transport of secretions. Objective was to study the impact of the nursing program dedicated to tracheostomy care on the results of tracheostomized patients. For this, this study is used as a systematic literature review to highlight the best nursing intervention technique "tracheostomy care" (ICNP® code: 10033161). Methods: Systematic review of the literature to carry out research related to digital health technologies to improve the nursing intervention "tracheostomy care", published between 2014 data and 2022 in the bases of VHL, Scielo, PubMed, LILACS and BDENFF. 48 articles were found, of which 15 were selected for exploratory reading, and after analysis, 10 were selected as inclusion criteria. Given the time span of 8 years


Tracheostomy,intensive Care Units, Pacient Care Planning

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