Digital technologies in nursing intervention for wound treatment in intensive care unit - systematic literature review

Daniela da Silva Araujo Basilio, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: To analyze the scientific production found in the literature about experiences of implementing digital health technologies in the work of nurses in the treatment of wounds. Methods: This is a bibliographic study of the integrative review type of articles indexed in the databases: Database in Nursing (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical LiteratureAnalysis and Retrieval System on -line (MEDLINE), Public Medline (PUBMED) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) including national and international publications, from 2014 to 2021. Results: By searching the databases and according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion, 10 articles were selected. The results indicate that the use of digital technologies in skin care and wound treatment has a positive impact on achieving the expected results. In addition to showing that its use has been used with propriety and autonomy by nurses during care practice. Conclusion: It is imperative that nurses, together with the health team, obtain knowledge and systematically use care protocols for the treatment of injuries, considering that this is a fundamental tool for the proper use of resources and materials, products and technologies available in the health Service. It is emphasized that it is necessary to implement the systematization of nursing care, which serves to organize the professional's work and operationalize the nursing process, which is essential for qualified care and for the recognition of the profession as a science.
Keywords: technology, wound, nursing.


technology; wound; nursing

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