Care to Vesicle Catheter in Urological Postoperative at Intensive Care Unit - Sistematic Literature Review

Elem Santana de Azevedo, Isabel Cruz


The objective was to identify to the scientific production of nursing, determining the best available evidence for the care of nursing to the client with the vesicle catheter in the postoperative urologic in the unit of intensive therapy. It was a bibliographical publication research in two databases. After the choice of articles, was carried through a table with the data (authors, objective of the research, type of study and instruments, main found and conclusions of the authors), thus to be able to clarify its finishings in relation to the chosen subject. One concluded that the envolvement of the nurses in the research and the scientific production with the purpose to always search answers for the questions is important that involve the care in practical the clinics daily.


Urinary; care; postoperative; intensive care unit; catheter

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