Nursing with Bladder Catheter in Intensive Care Patients - literature review

Lauana CM Todesco, Isabel CF da Cruz


The Center for Intensive care unit (ICU) is an important focus when it comes to healthcare practices. In the United States, patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit have 3 to 5 times more hospital infection rates than patients in the other treatment unit. It was a computerized literature search that aimed to gather evidence in the literature on the nursing front of the installation and handling of the bladder catheter in order to reduce the potential for infection. The evidence describing the nursing care that must be performed by health professionals. This study allowed the preparation of a summary of care that must be performed by the nursing staff or the team that vai during catheterization for healthcare practices are more effective and safer for the patient.


Cateteres; Cuidados de Enfermagem; infecção

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