Érika Intatilo Outeiro, Isabel CF da Cruz


Palliative care is a bit inserted in the hospital setting strategy. Thus, the act of caring, in general, promotes the quality of life for the satisfaction of human needs. Objective: To identify the scientific production of nursing, palliative care this is recommended for critically ill patients. Method: Literature review from electronic search in databases and virtual libraries. Data collection occurred between August and October 2013. 10 scientific for the sample to be analyzed were selected. The results were analyzed which were suitable for the subject. Results: This analysis revealed that the act of caring for and dealing with the process of death / dying, promotes certain concerns of the nursing team . The humanization process grounded in valuing life is centered on the patient / family alleviating psychosocial and spiritual suffering of the individual in order to achieve comprehensive care. Conclusions: Issues relating to ethical dilemmas are strongly highlighted in the study. These dilemmas involving individual character, work experience and personal values . In this sense it is essential that nurses seek reflection and discussion on the subject in order to enhance its ethical act every interpersonal relationship. Recommendation: Studies notes the strength of evidence is moderate to strong. Based on selected articles, we determined the importance of palliative care to patients without therapeutic possibility, and prioritized the care of the treating process.


Cuidado paliativo; Paciente crítico;Cuidados Intensivos

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