Patients in intensive care units in contact precautions: A challenge for the care of a nurse.

Michelle Mendonça Nimrichter, Isabel Cruz


The control of nosocomial infection in intensive care units requires nurse an overall adherence to all the rules of control and prevention of contamination of patients by contact caused by microorganisms resistant to antibiotic treatment. Objective: This study aims to analyze the role of the nurse in intensive care units and their importance to the success of prevention measures adopted by hospitals to combat hospital infections. Method: This is a critical review of existing literature on the subject. Articles were collected in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO between 2009 and 2014, of which a summary is made, to analyze the content. Results: The results showed unanimity of the authors on the importance that acquires adherence to prescribed standards for hand hygiene and use of PPE, in order to reduce morbidity and mortality from nosocomial infections among ICU patients. Conclusion: This study indicates stating that the role of the nurse is of the utmost importance for the prevention and control of hospital infection programs successful and able to reduce the positive cases of contamination in the intensive care environment. Recommendation: There should be greater incentive to information under the control of the spread of multiresistant organisms in intensive care unit

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