Patient safety in personal hygiene of ICU patients: systematic literature review for a clinical protocol

Isis Figueiredo Marins, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Objective: To analyze published articles that answer the clinical question through literature
research. For a better care of the nursing staff in personal hygiene proposing safety actions.
Methods: This research was conducted throughout the stages which included the choice of
subject, the survey of research materials, analysis, interpretation and development of the text.
The following databases were used: Virtual Library in Health (BVS) Scientific Electronic
Library Online (Scielo), MEDLINE/PubMed
Results: The results revealed 20 publications identified and analyzed by thematic analysis
technique, from which emerged three guiding questions: Patient Safety in bed bath, Best
technique of personal hygiene, Nurses' performance in order to avoid adverse events in
personal hygiene.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that patient safety is a key instrument in the ICU, the bed
bath technique has a great significance in promoting patient comfort. This study is significant
because it demonstrates that the lack of actions and preparation of the nursing staff, and
disregard for the procedure can lead to potential adverse events, therefore, it’s necessary to
provide education in the intensive care unit and develop a planning to perform a bed bath
according to the patient's needs in order to minimize the risks of the procedure.


Intensive Care Units; Baths; Patient Safety.

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