Nursing management in treatment of high complexity patient with deficit volume of liquids diagnosis: systematic literature review

Rafael Silva da Fonseca, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: Objective: To identify in the current scientific productions related to nursing, what more effective intervention (or protocol) of nursing for the client of high complexity with the diagnosis deficit volume of liquids, in order to apply in this study. Methodology: A computerized bibliographic research was carried out, selecting articles published in the period from 2010 to 2016, using the VHL (Virtual Health Library) portal, with the following data bases: LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), BDENF (Nursing Database), IBECS (Spanish Bibliographic Index of Health Sciences). ScIELO Portal (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Cochrane Library with the Wiley database and PMC (PubMed Central) library using the terms described in the keywords. Results: Given the strength of evidence found in the articles researched, there is a combination of more adequate interventions. The nurse must develop a care protocol with caution, aiming the client in an individualized way. Conclusion: With the results found in the present study, it was observed that using a practice based on scientific evidence can greatly help the nursing professionals, this study contributed to the knowledge of publications about interventions aimed at patients with fluid deficit and added Information relevant to the care provided.


hypovolemia; dehydration; critical care; nursing care

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