The diagnosis of impaired Comfort in the Intensive Care Unit from the Nurse's perspective - systematized review of literature

Ricardo de Lemos Costa, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: Investigate the understanding of the diagnosis of Impaired Comfort and its ways of identifying it in the Adult and Elderly patient, admitted to the Intensive Care Center (ICU). Objective: To analyze published articles that Answer the clinical question: for the high Complexity with diagnosis of Impaired Comfort, what is the Intervention or protocol for its resolution. Method: search for a computerized and / or manual bibliographic review in the national and international nursing journals, in the Scientific research from April to November 2016, Published in 2010 to 2016. The following Databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), PubMed via PICO, Latin American Literature and Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS), Database of Nursing (BDENF). Results: It was noticed that the diagnosis of Impaired Comfort can manifest itself in different ways. It was also verified the importance of the nurse in providing the humanized care to the critical patient in order to minimize the discomfort arising from the hospitalization process. Conclusion: In the face of the scenario, it is correct to affirm that the nurse develops a fundamental work in health care and must be committed to the promotion, protection, prevention and recovery of individuals' health. Recommendations: The studies presented Moderate evidence. The recommendations Research are beneficial, safe and economical, making Feasible to use and incorporate into routine services Intensive care unit.


Impaired Comfort, Humanization, Intensive Care Unit

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