Evidence-based practice guidelines for the nursing intervention Intravenous medication administration in ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Fernanda Coimbra Pinho Lima Doreste, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Abstract: The intervention of nursing intravenous drug administration is defined as as the preparation and administration of drugs by intravenous route. Being the primary nurse responsible for this technique, from the preparation, infusion and monitoring of its effectiveness and / or adverse effects. Intensive care patients often need to take insulin therapy, and nurses must be aware of this therapy, preventing one of the main complications due to their infusion, hypoglycemia. Objective: To review the evidence-based guidelines that will help the intensive care nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing interventions related to the administration of intravenous medication (intravenous insulin) in the intensive care unit. Methodology: Integrative literature review through the search of an online, computerized and / or manual database, from 2011 to 2017. The following databases are used: LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), BDENF (Nursing Database), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Pubmed and a free full-text search. At the end, 10 articles were selected because they met the inclusion criteria of this study, with adult / elderly focus. Answering the clinical question: How effective is the nursing intervention administration of intravenous medication (intravenous insulin) in the treatment of the patient with the diagnosis / medical condition diabetes? Results: During intravenous drug administration, preventive measures should be taken to minimize errors. It is important that nursing interventions include patient monitoring, response to medication, evaluation of signs and symptoms of hypo / hyperglycemia, follow-up of HGT, monitor intravenous configuration, flow rate, and solution at regular intervals, according to the institution's protocol. Conclusion: This study corroborated with findings from the literature when identifying which complications in intravenous drug administration (intravenous insulin) can be minimized by planning interventions based on the best scientific evidence aimed at prevention, ensuring safety in patient care.

Key words: insulin, intravenous infusions, nursing care, intensive care unit.


Insulin, Intravenous Ifusions, Nursing Care, Intensive Care Unit.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v10i1.29818

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