Guidelines for evidence - based practice on nursing prescription and management of hypovolemia in ICU – a systematized review.

Nadja Maria Queiroz de Albuquerque, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Objective: This research aimed to respond to which intervention or protocol of nursing is more effective in the management of hypovolemia for patients of high complexity, which has diagnosis of Deficient Fluid Volume (DFL)/ Hypovolemia, through the PICO strategy. Methodology: It is a descriptive research carried out through a systematized bibliographical review about the theme in question. We used articles published in the period from 2011 to 2017. The search was made using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), at the bases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and PubMed. The descriptors were obtained from DeCS / MeSH. Results: In this study, the most relevant interventions for the control of hypovolemia were the fluid replacement, resuscitation and tissue perfusion restoration; correcting the underlying causes of hypovolemia as soon as possible. The nurse results obtained for this problem were the electrolytic and acid-basic balance, water balance and hydration. Once these parameters have been restored, patients develop with a good prognosis. Conclusion: PICO strategy favored the direction of the research by enhancing the gathering of scientific evidences, optimizing the searches. Thus, this systematized review of the literature is helpful as a resource and foundation for future researches. Besides that, it corroborates and supports the clinical practice of nurses in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


Hypovolemia; Critical care; Nursing Care; Shock.

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