Guidelines for evidence-based practice on nursing prescription prevention of falls in Alzheimer's patients in the ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Lorene Soares Agostinho, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Introduction: Falls in the hospital environment are a major problem for health organizations, because the consequences of this fall on the health of the individual can result in an increase in the hospitalization time, worsening of the clinical picture and even death. Patients with neurological disorders often present changes in their level of consciousness, impaired mobility, sensory alterations, orthostatic hypotension, previous history of falls and bladder or bowel alterations, making them more susceptible to falls in hospital settings. Methodology: This is an integrative review study, conducted through an online database search of scientific nursing publications between the years 2011 and 2017. Discussion: Risk factors for falls can be divided into two groups: intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. recommended through the findings that the nursing professional is attentive to the patient, especially those hospitalized in intensive care units. Conclusion: The effective participation of all sectors that somehow provide care to the patient, even indirectly, including managers, is essential so that the best possible understanding of the risks of falling in the in-hospital environment can occur. improving the safety of hospitalized elderly patients


Fall; Elderly; Patient Safety.

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