Evidence-based nursing interdisciplinary practice on the self-care deficit with intimate hygiene in the ICU- Systematized Literature Review

Nicolle Silva dos Santos, Isabel CF Cruz


The patient affected by some pathology related to musculoskeletal impairment will imply the needs of self-care. Thus, coupled with the model of self-care of Orem presents the importance of nursing in developing actions regarding the stimulus to self-care of the individual, since he is unable to perform such actions. On the other hand, the nursing process is an instrument that helps the planning and organization to put into practice the nursing care. Objective: To review the evidence-basedinterprofessional guidelines that will help the intensive care nurse in the identification and treatment of the nursing care related to the self-care deficit with the intimate hygiene in the ICU, in the context of the interprofessional team. Methodology: A descriptive research was carried out through the systematized bibliographic review and based on secondary works carried out in a virtual environment Lilacs, Medline and Bireme, from 2011 to 2017. Conclusion: It is important to note the importance of the findings to favor and contribute to the actions of nurses in clinical practice in the construction of quality care.
Conclusion: It is important to note that the findings can favor and contribute to the actions of nurses in clinical practice in the construction of quality care.


Self-care;Hygiene; Nursing Diagnosis; IntensiveCareUnits

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