What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention in the risk of infection after surgery in the ICU - Integrative Literature Review

Claudinier Francisco Alves Neto, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: to search the professional scientific literature with experience in implementing the referred digital technologies in the nurse's work with the person with the nursing diagnosis Risk for Infection (10015133 ICNP®), as well as their treatment and therapeutic results in high complexity.
Methodology: This study is an integrative review, respecting its 6 (six) construction phases. For the survey of articles in the literature, a search was carried out in the following databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL and EMBASE. The descriptors and their combinations in Portuguese and English applied were: (digital technology) OR (technology applied to health care) AND (treatment) AND (surgical infection). Results: 258 articles were found, 184 articles found with the descriptor: (digital technology) OR (technology applied to health care) AND (treatment) AND (surgical infection) and 74 articles with the descriptor Technology AND Surgical Wound Infection. Discussion: The technology applied to hospital care in the ICU enables the prolonged survival of the patient in critical situations, however, this is one of the risk factors for the acquisition of Hospital Infection (HI) in these critical patients. Conclusion: The use of technologies in nursing consists of using creative alternatives with the aim of overcoming difficulties and guaranteeing the quality of care.


Digital technology; Technology applied to health care; Nursing; Surgical infection

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