Hypothermia – Systematic Literature Review

Valquiria Bastos, Isabel Cruz


The control of hypothermia in surgical patients in the intensive therapy phase is a common nursing procedure, since the drop in temperature in these patients has an incidence of about 60% of cases1. This disturb occurs as a result of disorganization in thermoregulation, caused by anesthesia, the type of surgery dimension and the surgical environment2. Objective: To identify the scientific production related to nursing and the best evidence of effectiveness of proposed procedures for patients of hypothermia treatment in surgical perioperative phase. Method: Literature review conducted by electronic search in databases and virtual libraries in the months of December 2014 and January 2015. Of the collected papers were selected 10 that were included in the study group. These articles presented results were suitable topic of study and fit into the system of evidence-based practice. Results: The evidence showed that there were several procedures that can be successfully used in the reversal of surgical perioperative hypothermia. Conclusion: The analyzed studies showed that nurses have the knowledge necessary to perform their role in preserving the normal body temperature of patients in the perioperative surgical stage, but that the creation and disclosure of other research on the subject are welcome, so that can expanded be the exchange of information on new processes that will facilitate increasingly prevention, maintenance and control of body temperature of patients at this juncture.


Surgery; Intensive therapy; Hypothermia; Nursing Proceedings.

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