Sedation and its effects on patient safety: sistematic literature review for a clinical protocol

Fernanda dos Anjos de Oliveira, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The goal was to Identify in the scientific production of nursing studies on the standardization of patient sedation of use in intensive care units, to determine best available evidence for the customer care / family and their effects on patient safety. A systematic review was carried out for a period of 5 years (2010-2015). The Data bases used were LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE and PubMEd. Nursing has strong influence on the recovery of the patient's health status in critical condition. Sedation causes few side effects and it’s recording that can be developed a protocol for the use of this method, besides bringing benefits to patients across their health. It’s possible conclude that sedation is often necessary and beneficial to the patient, especially those who are hospitalized in intensive care units, since using multiple equipment and medications, but must be used with caution, assessing always the possibility of their withdrawal or dose reduction.


Critical care; Nursing; Deep Sedation; Conscious Sedation.

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