Guidelines for Practicing Nursing Care with Vesical Catheter in Patients of High Complexity: Systematized Review of Literature.

Tainá do Patrocinio Machado de Almeida, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


To analyze, based on the material available in the literature, the evidence on the prevention of urinary tract infection directly related to the practice of bladder catheterization in Intensive Care Units. Method: The present study is based on integrative bibliographical research. They were chosen in 10 articles published between the years 2010 and 2016, in the libraries of the SciELO and VHL systems, in the databases LILACS and BDENF and MEDLINE. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature for the prevention of infection associated with bladder catheterization with emphasis to the Intensive Care Unit, through nursing interventions. Conclusion: Nurses' qualification guarantees the quality of care provided to the patient in an Intensive Care Unit, and in caring for patients with a bladder catheter this should follow protocols and guidelines as a way of avoiding damages to the health of the patient who is already hospitalized in ICUs.


Specialty Nursing; Care; Nursing

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