Emergency nursing care to the client with orthopedic trauma - evidenced based nursing practice

Joselita do Carmo da Silva, Isabel CF da Cruz


The orthopedic trauma is frequently found by nurses whom deal with critical cases in emergency teams. The article aims to present data of current studies referring the nursing assistance to the client with orthopedic trauma. The study was a critical analysis of the last 5 years. Orthopedic trauma is known by all bone injuries, articulate and muscular of traumatic origin. The nurse possesses important role in dealing with relative pain. As direct provider of the care, the nurse possesses crucial role in the preventive aspects, curatives and rehabilitation conditions imposed by the trauma.


nursing care, wounds and injuries, traffic accident

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v1i1.16456

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